Saturday, June 01, 2013

A few pictures from the HUBB

Myself and Ian Coates. 

A couple of pictures from the camera course.


A Horizons Unlimited event. 

I have attended the HUBB for the first time this year and I am impressed by all the lectures that are happening and the things to do. We even went on a How to take photos course

Most of it is aimed at motorcycles but there are some 4 wheel stands as well. 

£75,000 please. 

This bike has done some miles and has had some experiences. 

We did manage to have a mini Britstoc when we met up with Paul, Keeeef, Ellen, and of course Gareth and myself.  

Luc and Annie's

I managed to spend a day at L&A farm this week. 

Annie has a few new pets. Meet Milo the miniature pony. It seems as if its main job will be to mow the lawn. 

They also have a couple of chickens. Who strangely do not seem to destroy there surroundings like most chickens I have seen. Perhaps the Belgium chickens are better behaved that their English cousins.